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Mayil eNews

October 2019


Dearest eNews readers,

The redbreasted Robin is back. It is said that some of these little birds migrate from the Arctic Circle to Africa and back. The robin has a broad perspective and draws lines of light from my garden to the woods, from the woods to far-off forests on another continent. Lines of light that you can imagine if you cannot see them. It is a nice exercise or activity to do when birds wing their way through the winter sky or when the last wasps whisk in and out through the gap above the window. I focus my mind on the light and imagine lines flashing criss-cross through the sky, in nature, through my past, around me now. Light beings around me when I go to bed. I give them no names, but I do give them wings. A light being left and right of my car, of my bike, light in every corner of the room, light in my two hands, in my two feet, in my belly, in my heart, in my head. Thank you little Robin for reminding me of the light on this clouded day. eRegards from Lydia

Meditation for the full moon of 13th October 2019

Master Morya,

“In the coming years all manner of things will come your way, things will accelerate and sometimes you will have the impression of not being able to follow the youngsters. For a new generation is to come and new children will be born.  They come with completely new ideas and it will all happen at a rapid tempo.  You will be surprised at what these 'new children' will bring and what they will do. 

You will always have to try and stay yourself, for if you don't you'll definitely not be able to keep up.”

“You shouldn't immediately agree with everything you hear and with every change that comes along.  You must proceed with care and know that the mainstay for everything in existence is love.  It is impossible to overestimate the importance of love.  Try to live in purity and try to find the way in yourself.  This means meditating, learning to deal with the word, striving to be sincere with yourself, learning to trust and, most of all, being able to put things into perspective, so that you can say:  "Look, I will judge for myself what I think about these changes confronting me." You should always do this. 

You shouldn't join groups unless you find you can keep being yourself there.  Whatever takes place in the group, stay sensible and stay yourself.  Don't go along with everything and make sure you stay in control.  This means having patience and and being able to develop yourself from within.  This is very important because otherwise you may get involved in new things of which you only realize later on:  I shouldn't have done this because it wasn't really what I was searching for. 

So you should try to find links to your own development, to your own search.  This is so important because otherwise you can lose yourself by going along with others in their development.”

“So don't go along with everything.  Be sensible; observe, study, search, and keep in mind that you must be virtuous and modest.  Not everything that comes your way will be good.  Know that you are being guided.  This is the reason for these books,  to let you know that you can count on Me and count on the Divine Beings working together in this.  Know that you can trust in these Beings in the same way as you can trust your own heart, for this is the reality of Our existence.”

Master MoryaMorya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte

© Geert Crevits,

Fragments from Morya Wisdom 5:
The word in the silence, from chapters 6 and 7



A deeper sense of lifeSimplicityGod lives in your heartTrust in yourself


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