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Mayil eNews

March 2017


Dearest eNews readers around the world,

"At home in your own life"In the new Dutch language book that will be coming out in a few weeks, Master Morya explains what it is you need to "feel at home in your life".  It's all about a certain inner attitude we can learn to adopt: knowing and believing that there is goodness in our hearts, that our lives are important, that what we do matters, and, finally, that we allow ourselves to be children of the Divine, letting our Divine Father/Mother influence our lives, allowing God to take care of a hundred wondrous details as He guides us in the direction of what is truly meaningful in our lives.

How often do we not let ourselves be distracted from our deep purpose by negative thoughts about ourselves: "I'm no good; I'll never amount to anything; I'm useless; I'm too tired; I'm bored; nobody believes in me" etc. Or else we get distracted by others, doing things to impress them or even just to avoid conflicts.  

Are we capable of being ourselves, even in the company of others? This is an important key to finding inner peace. For this, Master Morya says, it can be very useful to spend some time alone every now and then, for a few days or even just a few hours, to reflect on your life and on the questions,  who am I, what is my problem, and what can I, myself, do about it? without expecting solutions to come from anyone else.

And then He goes on, talking about all that could prevent you from finding yourself and what you can do about it. Oh, I am so looking forward to the day when all of you will also be able to read the entire book.... and so I'm making this appeal to all of you who are fluent in two (or more) languages and have some time to spare for the world and for your inner selves. Please join us in spreading Master Morya's message of true freedom, strength, and love.  Send us an email and we will be sure to find an essential work for you to do in your spare time, according to your taste.  

eRegards from Marie

Meditation for the full moon of 12th March 2017

Master Morya,

Intuition is a little bit of light that comes from God and shows you what could be, what is possible. When you follow your intuition, when you follow these moments of light, you will be guided. It is very important to dare to tread this path, to dare to create this openness within yourself, this honest openness towards yourself, to be receptive so that you can receive this intuition, to find the patience to listen to what is taking place deep within you, to what is being revealed in your life.

When you can do this you are on your way to allowing a number of things to become a reality; God will become more and more of a reality in your life. One day you will wake up and realize: “God is important in my life”.   “No, no,” you might think.., “yes…but no, people, my work, my children, my this, my that… these are what are important”.  And this is the conflict you find yourself in: “…is it God or is it me, my life, my children, my car, my work, my… whatever it might be?”  This is the struggle.

You might think that if you are busy with the one you can’t be busy with the other. The reality is subtler, different, and more refined.  It’s a problem you cannot easily unravel, not easily put into words, at least not for yourself when you have the feeling: “Actually, I should live my life differently but I don’t know where to begin.” And yet, in a curious sort of way you will be guided through your problems, you will remarkably find yourself in situations from which you can learn, you will remarkably sense deep within you: “this is right, and the other not. I’ve tried this and that because, within me, I felt that I should, and now I know it’s right.”

Master Morya

© Geert Crevits,

From Morya Kracht 6: “At home in your own life”, from chapter 3

Mayil eNieuws

Available in English

Morya Wisdom 1A deeper sense of life
14 EUR - 45 PLN - 17 USD - 10.5 GBP
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Master Morya says,
"If you have a goal in life, a very worthwhile goal, then every action, even the smallest, is saturated with this energy. So it is that a single action of one person may be great and profound, even symbolic, his or her action may even be of great importance for the world, whereas another person indulges in a thousand and one actions that have little or no importance at all because his or her goal has little or no power." Read more...

Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life

Morya Wisdom 2Simplicity
14 EUR - 45 PLN - 17 USD - 10.5 GBP
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"Everything on this Earth gives the impression of being transitory, and yet there is always a fundamental and enduring activity taking place and this is what you should try to find and to experience. Once you experience this, you will be a happy person and will understand, through the great spectacle of life, what it is all about. You will understand the deeper meaning of life, something that will never leave you, something that will follow you from life to life in an evolution of blossoming and beauty and majesty." Read more...

Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity

Morya Wisdom 3God lives in your heart 
14 EUR - 45 PLN - 17 USD - 10.5 GBP
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"The Divine is tender. The Divine is infinite. It is one and all love. When you are busy with the Divine, then you can only experience good things. Prayer is very important, if that is what you want, but it’s not an absolute necessity. Because the whole of life is one prayer, it is a searching for God." Read more...

Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart

Morya Wisdom 4Trust in yourself
14 EUR - 45 PLN - 17 USD - 10.5 GBP
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"If you want to bring a change into your life, it will never be easy. What is then the purpose? The purpose is that you make progress, that you come close to yourself and do things that are important for you. You must be able to concentrate on yourself and look at yourself. You must live and dare to live from the depth of your own heart, of your own desires. 

If you think, “I know myself,” but do nothing coming from out of your own self, then you are mistaken. Then you don’t know who you are, and this is always the case: People too often think they know themselves. But when it comes down to it, they don’t really know who they are, don’t know where they stand and don’t know what they are doing." Read more...

Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself

Mayil eNieuws


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* This newsletter was translated from Dutch and is also available in Polish and German.