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Mayil eNews
April 2022

Dearest eNews readers,

After five years of taking stock, preparing, planning, choosing, designing, coding, developing and persevering, the time has finally come: our websites are being renewed. At present only the Dutch language websites are finished, but soon the English, Polish and German versions will be ready as well. For now, you can take a look here to see a bit of what you can expect.

It's almost Easter, the celebration of the great light that can be born in our hearts. Take some time to go for a walk, to let go of your thoughts, to listen to the sound of your footsteps, to look and open yourself to the life that lives. When you are able to be and look without thoughts and without judgment, a new, inner world will open up for you, just like the sun breaking through the clouds. eRegards from Marie

Meditation for Easter and the full moon of 16th April 2022

Master Morya,

"When the Earth is not understood and is filled with mysteries, when it doesn’t share in the Divinity, then it is, in itself, a sad stage. (…) There is discord here on this Earth. When you look at the Earth, there is nothing but conflict, conflict, conflict... One person says this; the other says something else. One person does something in one way and the other does it in another way. One person plants a tree and another cuts it down or tramples on it before it is fully grown. And in this way people are busy constructing and destroying.

Don’t fret about this, don’t let it make you unhappy. Realize that the Earth brings a continuous upheaval, that it is abundantly busy with all possible kinds of beings and that there comes no end to this world. There is no such thing as a death in store for this Earth, in any case not from any perspective we could possibly have. Because the Earth is millions of years old and will still go on for millions of years.

Don’t be saddened by the fact that the Earth is being messed about. This is something that causes people great emotional distress, but you should be able to take a distance from this fact. You should be able to see the Earth as a stage where different décors are continuously being built. Where one décor, which will eventually take the place of another, is continuously being constructed and so causes the deconstruction of the other decor. These are the wars. People have been restructuring things from out of a very great energy field, and so it keeps going on. This Earth is engaged in a process of continual changes, which are terrible for those who are viewing this process from the Earth. But these changes are bringing an immense energy-revolution and, if you could look from the perspective of the energy fields, you would see this. You would see that precisely because of this, enormous renewals become possible.

The human being is an eternal being. A person, just like the Earth, is a whole that progresses and develops. And, if they so wish, they can keep coming to this Earth in order to add a bit of experience to what they have already experienced.

The great goal of everything is love. There is nothing else than love in this universe wherein we are living. And we should be able to discover this love, because it is here. Love doesn’t need to be created..... no, love is here. It is the infinite source that always is, that flows, that restores, that builds and is recreating everything. And that is what we, as people, should be able to recognize; it would be very useful for us.

The more of love you can see in your own heart and in the heart of your fellow men and women, the more of the reality of this Earth you can discover. Many people are not able to see this. They can only see the stage play of destruction, of diffusion, of a development going its own way and having nothing to do with love. But like this they are not yet seeing the reality of this Earth. The reality of this Earth is totally different from what you learn to see with your eyes.

You should be able to shift your eyes. You should be able to shut your eyes and to look with the eyes of your heart and then you would begin to see another reality."

  Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart

Master Morya

Geert Crevits, Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart, chapter 1: ‘A small and a great life’ ©

© Geert Crevits,

Mayil eNieuws

A deeper sense of lifeSimplicityGod lives in your heartTrust in yourself


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