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Mayil eNews

July 2016


Dearest eNews readers,

I do like riddles and the text Marie chose for this month’s newsletter comes from the book, ‘Morya Kracht 6’, which will be published this year and doesn’t as yet have a title. Yes, it’s quite intense. Something like, ‘in my life, how do I receive God’s grace?’ Who can mentally understand this?’, as one translator promptly remarked.

When something is not entirely clear to me, I try to see it in a broader perspective and then chop it up into smaller chunks (abridged recipe by MM).  Just like when cooking, when you don’t know how to do it and how it will come out, yet it always turns out fine and you call this ‘intuitive cooking’. That’s not a clarification for this text, but simply a hint for how to have a lovely summer with plenty of goodness and beauty. eRegards from Lydia

Meditation for the full moon of 20th July 2016

Master Morya,

When grace comes into your life it will always be that you will try to discover this for yourself. Therefore, whatever God’s intervention may be, it causes something to be activated within yourself. In other words, what God does in your life begs an answer and what you do in your life calls for an appeal to God: ‘God, am I doing it right? Is this what I should do?’ And this dialog, this inner dialog, this point of contention within you as well, is actually what clarifies matters.

Therefore, in other words, you should not think that because there are difficulties in your life you are not doing things correctly; for this is really a kind of plea: ‘what is happening to me? Is this a good thing I am doing? Is this what I should do?' By questioning the goodness in your life you will find a certain peace once you receive the answer. In other words, there is always a kind of incentive in your life to search, a kind of lead-in: ‘look, right now it may be difficult’... you almost feel it coming, and when there are difficulties in your life you can learn from them and then you will get an answer, gradually, not only from yourself but also from God, for you will have a confirmation of this.

In other words, when you live with goodness, when you attempt to solve your problems from out of the goodness of your heart, when you give your attention to the right things, then subsequently God’s answer will come; there will be an awakening deep within you, something that is appealed to and that then reacts to the, indeed, right things which are on their way.

It’s the same with information. When your intuition speaks there is a prompting, something that poses a question, and then the intuition comes to tell you: ‘look, you can do it in such or such a way.’  This doesn’t mean that you should immediately think: ‘now I must do this’ but it will surely urge you to do it. And sometimes you may have the idea: ‘I can’t do that or I can’t do it now, and yet this is what I’m being told to do’, it is even as if it were being imposed on you. Because, through this honesty of your life, various matters can present themselves at an unexpected moment, in an unexpected way, and afterwards give you the insight to say: ‘okay, now I understand what the answer actually is, not only my answer but what the answer is.’ God’s ways are mysterious, but always more beautiful than what you imagine. Master Morya

© Geert Crevits,

Extract from Morya Energy book 6, beginning of chapter 10

Mayil eNieuws

Lecture in Warsaw – watch the video!

Marie’s lecture which she gave in Poland on Friday, 24th June, was filmed in its entirety.  Marie speaks in Dutch and Aleksandra does the translation into Polish. We added English subtitles.

It’s an insightful discourse and treats a variety of inspiring topics.  Definitely worth watching! (And do not hesitate to share it with others too)


Be sure to turn on subtitling by clicking the icon at the bottom right corner. icoon ondertiteling

You can find the video on > English > Photo/video

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* This newsletter was translated from Dutch and is also available in Polish and German.