Mayil eNews

October 2015


Dearest eNews readers,

You, yourself, may never have lived through a war but your parents or grandparents did and without those wars we might not be here.  In my case, with the parents I received, I sure wouldn’t be here.

We’re all looking to have a better life or to maintain the status quo of the good life we have.  But there’s no such thing as ‘status quo’ of course, because everything in life is always changing, moving, challenging us, and so we move forward.

Recently, during a discussion about the refugee situation, my friend, Hilde, said: “I worked with asylum seekers for 12-13 years and learned very much from them, in particular that they were prepared to die to be able to live.”

All of us have this drive in our genes, our cells are permeated with the urge and the courage to live. And our beautiful souls look on.  When you speak to your soul, let it know its own urge – light, love, unity. This is a work, it doesn’t happen by itself and it may take a lot of time to gain new insights.

But the opportunities and the karmas are there, for peoples, for countries, for individuals and for Mother Earth, who takes care of all Her children.

This is my little introduction on this perfect sunny autumn day. With cordial e-regards from Lydia.

Meditation for the full moon of 27th October 2015

Master Morya,

Life moves along with shocks, it doesn’t go quietly and smoothly forward. Life isn’t like that, it isn’t something of which you can say, “I’m working on it, like knitting, one needle after the other, one stitch at a time.” No; it isn’t like that. It also isn’t that you can drop a stitch and go back and pick it up again. No, in life you meet with catastrophes: your needle breaks, your knitting falls apart or you run out of wool and can’t go on. Life is a little like that.

It deals with big happenings, great energies that suddenly leave you and then aren’t there any longer, big changes. This is always possible. A country can fall apart, family relationships can fail, a team can break up, all kinds of things can happen, there are always unexpected circumstances to take account of and this is what brings openness to life. This brings a great openness. Master Morya

© Geert Crevits,
Fragment from Morya Wisdom 2, chapter 9


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