Mayil eNews

May 2015


Dearest eNews reader,

"To live or to grow is the same.
If I want to live, I grow and if I want to grow, I live.
Both are in my own hands.”

This is one of the many personal 'soul sentences' that have been given throughout the years during the courses. Usually each participant in a course receives one such 'soul sentence', through me, from their own soul, to show them how it feels and what the level is that we are looking for; the receiver is invariably moved by its intimate truth.

Telepathy is a contact from heart to heart and its communication is timeless, full of simplicity, essential, deeply familiar, encouraging, a source of strength and joy. What a pleasure it will be to be able to again pass this art on to others later this year. We plan three courses in Dutch - one in France and two in Belgium. eRegards from Marie

Meditation for the full moon of 4th May, 2015

Master Morya,

New elements will always emerge from the developments taking place on earth. People will give more and more attention to what they can experience within themselves, in order to then express it and give it form. The inner contact will grow and, for many people, this is a something new.

For sure, there will always be people engaged in the outer world, and it will always be so; here on earth this is self-evident. But the emphasis will shift. In the field of education, for instance, people will be taught to turn their attention inwards and, from there, have experiences which are important.

Human dignity will be deemed to be a part of the dignity belonging to the divinity. People will also become aware that more and more is being offered to humanity from the divine world, and that this makes a greater development possible. The intuition will speak more clearly and people will increasingly let themselves be guided by their inner selves.

There will always be as many points of agreements as points of differences. People will realise they are involved in certain fields of tension that are not from this world, but are emanating from the other world. These tensions will cause certain points of crystallization to be brought forward. For instance, you will have a connection with one particular group and not with another group. Different trends will arise that are not in opposition, yet each one will have a totally different tonality and a different development.

Certain things will happen via these groups; many of them will have a very deep contact with things that are essential for the earth. From this, many developments will occur that will finally be expressed in every branch of development: economy, politics, hospital care, and others.

Many things will come about through the inner life, and each time a person takes a step in this direction, he is working in the right way. The accent will thus be laid on the inner contacts, and this together in groups. This is why there are great shifts starting to take place on earth. Once more, people are busy re-orientating themselves.

It's as if humanity is again attuning itself to the inner spheres and, from there, will take the step to the outer world. For this, the moment of reflection, of silence, is of utmost importance.

People will see that results are better when they go into the silence. Today people often engage in brainstorming, where they come together to exchange ideas. In the future people won't come together to exchange ideas but to go into the silence, and do things that are important. Therefore, the gathering takes place on another level. People will also become aware that they are being guided in these other levels. (…) Master Morya

© Geert Crevits,
From “Morya Wisdom” book 8, beginning of chapter 13.


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