Mayil eNews

August 2015


Dearest readers,

Life is always changing... up and down, to and fro, and in the meantime it throws challenges on our path – sometimes outer ones, sometimes inner ones,  once big, then small, and sometimes a bit of everything all at the same time.  No one can escape it. In his books, Master Morya invariably advises us that there is no need for us to run away from difficulties. Staying calm, yes, this is necessary, looking at them soberly, listening to the deepness of your heart and knowing that this is no such thing as coincidence, and also:  certainly asking the Divine for help.

Through the grace of your longing for guidance you are always receiving answers from the Divine, in the form of insights, solutions, progress.  There is a growing interaction between you, life and the Divine, and by not avoiding the dialogue, you become always more and better acquainted with these conversational partners and so you approach nearer to one another.  eRegards from Marie

Meditation for the full moon of 29th August 2015

Master Morya,

There are many areas of your feelings and of your mind that are as yet unknown to you. This is because your mind involves itself with the things around you and thereby there is a certain engagement. Yet, on the other hand, you still have the feeling that this isn’t your whole life. In other words, you feel you are different from the others, you feel that you have a freedom, that you are more or less free, that you would like to have a greater freedom but that this greater freedom will only be possible when you assimilate this freedom within you.

The world isn’t allowing you to be who you would really like to be; that’s the problem. Problems arise mostly because others want to determine your life, but inwardly, within your innermost self, no one except God can determine your life. That’s why His responsibility in your life consists of bringing you to where you will, indeed, be free, where you can experience things in the correct way, and God helps you with this. He is the one who shows you what is possible. He is the one who inspires you, He is the one who solves your problems.

Once you realize this, you will appeal to Him very regularly, almost second per second you will appeal to this great force, to God, and you will realize that this great force is guiding your life and that this great force shows you what you can experience and where you should go and how you should do something and what you should say. Then your life will become a great life; it will expand and become filled with nothing but joy. Then you will be in contact with the divinity and know: ‘God is the one who has sent me to this Earth, God is the one who wants me to be here’, and then you won’t hold Him accountable for your life, however difficult it might be, but you will join in with the life, with the knowledge that you can be happy with the people around you who have problems.

For if your life is a life that has been given to you from the hands of God you will be able to deal with the difficulties, no matter what they may be. This is because you will feel supported in these difficulties and you will also feel they are meaningful. But it’s not life’s intention that there should be difficulties. On the contrary, the intention of life is that problems should be solved. Sometimes the problems are structural in nature; sometimes they are older problems of the Earth that you must face; sometimes they are problems concerning a reality of souls. You have not come to this Earth on your own; you came with an innate relationship to this person and this person and that person. Sometimes people call this karma. There is something like an engagement that you have with people from many lives ago, and now you are discovering a new fragment of this for yourself and are able to involve a greater freedom by living with God and by examining the problem together with God, as it were, to see what you can do.

God is the light; you should always remember this.  That’s why you can pray to God, asking Him to give you insight into your problems, and then you will see the problem in a different light. Because when He speaks God says things that are different from what you can think. When He comes into your life He shows you things that are different from what you can see. If you begin to look with your heart, with the love in your heart, with this stream that comes from God, love will show you what can happen. In the midst of the greatest difficulties there is a possibility to do good things and to do correct things.  Realizing this is part of your joy (…). Master Morya

© Geert Crevits,

Fragment from ‘Morya Kracht 1’: "Choosing to be yourself ", chapter 3


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