Mayil eNews

April 2015


Dearest eNews reader,

A while ago I dreamt that I met a saint somewhere in the midst of a beautiful green landscape, far away from everything. I couldn't actually see him but I knew he was there for me. I began complaining a bit about things in my life and was feeling somewhat sorry for myself when I noticed his smile and white light.

"Don't let anything make you unhappy", he said. "See that you learn from everything; know that everything is written in God's hand and that He knows what is good for you. Know that you are protected and that you are being taken care of."

In my dream I felt happy and wrote everything down in a little book. When I woke up I didn't have the book of course and so again I wrote down everything I could remember, and before I knew it I was back into the hustle and bustle of the day and forgot all about the dream.

Some days later, in a difficult moment, the dream popped up again in my mind and I went back to look at what I had written in my dream-notebook. At first I felt resistant, it sounded a bit cliche and I thought, 'Yeah, yeah, easy for you to say but how does it help me?' But by reading it over and over again, I felt my agitation melt like snow in summer. My back straightened, I relaxed and started breathing more freely and, spontaneously, a smile came to my face. I thanked the saint from the dream with a short prayer and now, here, for the third time, I'm writing down what he said, as a pep talk for you. eRegards from Lydia

Meditation for the full moon of 4th April 2015

Master Morya,

When you get to know people as they really are, then don't let yourself be disturbed by the little things that are likely to surface. Because every growth has its sharp edges. Everytime people are in some way hurt, they are also capable of hurting others.

You should know that gentleness can work wonders, but it should be a strict gentleness. This means that you should really have the want to be gentle at moments when others are perhaps harsh and stern with you. This isn't easy, I know, but it does imply that you are then acting correctly.

Once you start doing things from out of your own soul, taking your own responsibility - as you feel it for yourself - then you will do the right things, with the appropriate gentleness. But 'strict' implies that you don't diverge from your own plan, therefore, it means you know: 'This is what I want; this is what I am going to do and if others can't understand it, so be it. Maybe a day will come when they will be able to understand, and if that day never comes then that too makes no difference.'

Because you'll see, if you are busy with good things you will have a pleasant feeling and you will know: Yes, indeed, this is a good thing to be doing' and you will notice an inner renewal taking place within yourself. This is highly important, inner renewal is never unimportant, however small it may be. Even if it is only a single moment; even if it be just a tiny glint of intuition that you use, or learn to use, it is important.

Every little spark of light should be made use of on this Earth. It is pointless to plunge into a waterfall of renewal without becoming intuitive, without working with the fire that is there within you. Realize that a renewal takes place whenever you allow the genuine, original worlds to come to you. By this I mean that new things come to us every time we open ourselves for that light, for that peace, for that 'something else' that can come into our lives as we walk together with others. Master Morya

© Geert Crevits,
Fragment from Morya Kracht 4, chapter 2;
this new Dutch book is expected to come out this summer.


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