Mayil eNews

October 2013


Dearest eNews reader,

These last few months life has again driven us – after less than two years – to yet another house move. Altogether, it did cost us quite some effort, but at this moment I’m writing to you from what is now our new home, a pleasant house in a village near Bruges.  Actually, we’re very grateful for all the difficulties that came and that also always had their solutions.  It shows us the hand of the divine grace and the presence of the ‘depth’ - which Master Morya always talks about - that is guiding and protecting us. As it says in the new Dutch book, “Key to the New Age”, scheduled to be released within the next few weeks:  difficulties take people forward and bring them closer to the beauty of life.   Despite the fact that this latest move dragged on for an extra month – and by meanwhile working on this new book - we felt ourselves carried through all the days.  I hope that you, too, are able to see ‘Morya’s depth’, every single day.... because it’s there.  e-regards from Lydia


Meditation for the full moon of 19th October, 2013.

Master Morya,

Whenever you observe your thoughts don't let yourself be confused by what others may have thought or said. For it might be that you tend to take these things too much into consideration or that you want to live too excessively with your thoughts, 'this is what I think', and the next moment you'll think something else and the next day yet again something completely different. You should consciously avoid this by continually laying stress on only one single thing.

Try to keep just one thing in your mind, one thing that you think is good. Not: 'I’ll jump from this thought to another and another', but: 'I’ll keep this one treasured thought with me. Something I’ve reflected on, deliberated about, something that has meaning, that's important. I’m going to hold this thought close in my heart, I’ll try to surround it with love, I’ll try to do something with it using my own strength because I know: My thoughts were honest, I tried to bring things into perspective because I’ve reflected and concluded: I can do something about it, I want to do something about it, I must do something about it.

These don't have to be major things; having control over your thoughts is something you can learn. Otherwise your thoughts will drag you to all sorts of places, from the one place to the other, from the one memory to the other, from the one judgment to the other, from the one something you've heard to the other something. Then you'll begin to suspect that there are still more things you should be thinking about and, actually, you will be missing a little bit of that logic from your heart because you're allowing your thoughts to run ahead of what still has to come, while you've absolutely no idea of how it will be.

But if, within yourself, you can be calm, because you know: 'I’ve reflected upon this and I’m keeping this thought in my heart and I want to do something with it,' then your thoughts will be ordered and this is what you need. You don't need masses of thoughts, you need one thought with which you can do something so that your life develops and that you know: 'my intention is good, on this point I’m doing well because I know that, in order to go forward, I have to stick with this one thought.'

Don't doubt yourself. If you've given thought to something and are honest with yourself and if you've taken that thought into your heart, cherishing it there, then it will come to fruition and, consequently, you will know: indeed, this is important. This can be meaningful, initially for yourself but also for others, because you will have reached a kind of logic that makes things simpler, not difficult, and you now understand: 'this thing that I want, that I’m doing, that I’ve reflected on, is very important because I’m being honest with myself and now I simply want to become aware that what I’m doing is significant, that my heart is involved with it, that I don't need to distance myself from things around me without having first asked myself: ‘Is this really what I want?'

Gradually, you will feel that you are being guided in this. This is because you are opening yourself to a greater world, whereby more light is coming into your life. However, it's especially the thoughts that need to be ordered, and especially the thoughts that should diffract until they fade and fall still, until you know: 'this one thing, this is what I now want and it's good.' Then your life will be blessed.  Master Morya

© Geert Crevits, ((from the Morya Card Set “Answers”,
third exercice: Holding a thought close in your heart.
This publication is as yet only available in Dutch and Polish

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